Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Worldwide Day of Prayer

Today was Worldwide Day of Prayer for Campus Crusade for Christ. As most of you know Here’s Life is the urban ministry of Campus Crusade. Today over sixty Crusade staff members gathered at our Here’s Life office to pray for our ministries across the world. There are Crusade ministries throughout NYC focused on high school students, college students, the arts, the United Nations and more. I enjoyed meeting several other Crusade staff and learning all that is happening in other areas of ministry across the city.

We had nine prayer stations. Each station represented a region of the world. We had specific praises and prayer requests from ministry teams in places in Germany, Mongolia, West Africa, Spain and Taiwan just to name a few. It was amazing to get a big picture of the ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ. The Lord is working in huge ways and thousands of people are hearing the gospel across the world. What a privilige to set aside a day along with missionaries across the globe to pray and acknowledge our complete reliance on God.

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