Monday, October 13, 2008

Career Night and Weekend Fun

Friday Night we hosted a career night at the Bowery Mission. Sandy invited women from her church to speak about their field of work and give insight into how they got the job they have now. I also spoke about my experience in state government and gave an overview of all the job opportunities available. We had a brainstorming session where we each wrote down our fields of interest, values and skills and came up with possible job matches. My roommate Liz was able to come and help in the brainstorming. It was a great night. I’m continuing to get to know the women better and can’t wait to see them tomorrow for our class.

I spent Saturday afternoon with my friend Charlotte. She is another SC gal. I met her in NYC on summer project two years ago. She’s a Campus Crusade intern working on college campuses in Brooklyn. I’m thankful she is here. We had a great time visiting and walking all over Central Park. The weather has been beautiful. I go outside every chance I get. I want to enjoy the sunshine before it gets cold!

I went to church this morning. After lunch, Liz and I spent most of the afternoon in Starbucks getting some work done. My cousin Ben goes to school in Queens. He came into the city to meet us for dinner. We had chinese in the West Village. It was a great weekend. I’m looking forward to the week ahead!

The view from Belvedere Castle in Central Park

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