Sunday, October 12, 2008

Hope Grows In Brooklyn

Time goes so quickly and I’m trying my best to post as much as I can. Before a new week starts I want to share a few things from last week. I volunteered with a S.A.Y. Yes! Center in Brooklyn. I traveled an hour and a half by subway and bus to get to the church. I got there early enough to visit with the director, Ms. Gloria and learn about the children who attend. I walked with with her to the nearby school to pick up Tristian- an adorable first grader. The rest of the kids came on their own. After snack, I began helping two of the girls on their homework but all the kids were squeezing around my table. It didn’t take much to win them all over. Before homework was finished, they were asking me when I would come back. Most of the kids are so welcoming and it’s so easy to fall in love with each of them. After homework, Mrs. Gloria asked me to lead the devotion. Each child was very respectful and even answered my questions. I then joined the group for dinner. We had watermelon for dessert and I had everyone going back for seconds so they can try it with salt. They all thought I was crazy until they tried it and liked it! Recreation time was after dinner. We played outside on the sidewalk. The kids love to race and I impressed them by beating all the boys. (too bad I was sore the next day) Overall the kids were great. I would love to be able to spend more time with them. This location is one of my choices for my field time and I’m praying for direction as I decide where I should go on a weekly basis.

Thursday I returned to Brooklyn to visit one of our partner ministries. This church has a soup kitchen on Wednesdays and Sundays and a food pantry Tuesday and Thursdays. I spent a few hours at the food pantry. I had great conversations with the volunteers. It amazes me that they all show up to work for free and have done so for years. After a few hours at the food pantry, I went to Red Hook. Elder O drove me around the area which has been one of the worst areas of Brooklyn for many years. He spent time talking about his heart for the area and the changes that are taking place. There are some businesses moving into the area but many of the area residents can’t take advantage of the job opportunities. Elder O hopes to implement programs offered through Here’s Life like Holistic Hardware and Work Net. These programs offer curriculum to help people become employable. He took me to a church he works with in the neighborhood. He and his wife have their own ministry which consists of street evangelism and hosting various outreaches in his community. The church is between a liquor store and a Chinese restaurant. It’s a small space but in a perfect location. On many occasions, people have wandered in off the street on Sunday mornings.

I don’t know how to explain what a blessing it is to meet these pastors and leaders of our partner ministries. Every meeting builds me up and encourages me. The pastors, wives, and other church leadership are passionate about their ministries and you can’t help but feel energized after talking with them. I hear amazing testimonies of transformed lives and passionate vision for what God is doing in the inner city.

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