Sunday, June 14, 2009

Summer In the City Begins!

Summer in the City will be my life for the next few weeks! Summer in the City is an intensive 5 week project exposing college students to ministry to the poor. 19 students from across the nation have come together to serve full-time in some of the poorest neighborhoods while receiving ministry training and bible teaching at night. Fun and sightseeing will also be squeezed in.

For the last several weeks I have served as city-coordinator which means I had to figure out where and when the students would serve throughout their time here. Summer in the City is my summer assignment, so I’m taking a break from my regular Here’s Life responsibilities and helping make the next few weeks the best experience ever for our students. Along with some other planning – I’m co-leading a bible study and meeting weekly with four young ladies.

My life was changed 3 years ago on this same project and it’s exciting to be back as staff. God is going to do huge things in and through the lives of these students- I can’t wait!

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