Team 1 served with a school in Brooklyn. There are about 12 kids of all different ages. They were in the hood for sure. The team got lessons on street slang, gang life in the neighborhood and a glimpse into what these kids deal with daily. One child prayed for his mom’s safety by asking God to not let her get shot on the way to work. They were able to love on these kids, be a positive example and share God’s truth.
Team 2 served with a church in an Asian neighborhood in Brooklyn. The mornings were spent preparing curriculum for the summer program starting soon. The afternoons were spent helping with the after-school program and loving on precious children. The leaders here are my age and sweet friends. I know they appreciated the help.
Team 3 served with the Salt and Sea mission in Coney Island. Serving alongside the leader- “the Mother Teresa of Coney Island” is a highlight for many. You see first hand what it is to walk in the spirit and to live out the gospel. Upon walking in the door this team prayed and read scripture to a crying woman. She was going to be evicted the following day because she didn’t have money for rent. Each member of the team had opportunities to step out in faith by praying with people or giving their testimony to those who came in for help.
Team 4 also served in Coney Island with another mission. They worked hard throughout the day cleaning and doing yard work. In the afternoon they helped with the after-school program. The team were blessed by the leadership here and the opportunity to work with them.
In the midst of completing their first week of ministry, the other staff and I put the students through a poverty simulation where they slept in the Here’s Life warehouse for 3 nights. More details to come….
*All of the ministries mentioned are partners with Here’s Life Inner City. Summer in the City is just another way we come alongside our partners and empower them to reach their communities for Christ.