Thursday, June 25, 2009

Summer in the City (week 1)

Team 1 served with a school in Brooklyn. There are about 12 kids of all different ages. They were in the hood for sure. The team got lessons on street slang, gang life in the neighborhood and a glimpse into what these kids deal with daily. One child prayed for his mom’s safety by asking God to not let her get shot on the way to work. They were able to love on these kids, be a positive example and share God’s truth.

Team 2 served with a church in an Asian neighborhood in Brooklyn. The mornings were spent preparing curriculum for the summer program starting soon. The afternoons were spent helping with the after-school program and loving on precious children. The leaders here are my age and sweet friends. I know they appreciated the help.

Team 3 served with the Salt and Sea mission in Coney Island. Serving alongside the leader- “the Mother Teresa of Coney Island” is a highlight for many. You see first hand what it is to walk in the spirit and to live out the gospel. Upon walking in the door this team prayed and read scripture to a crying woman. She was going to be evicted the following day because she didn’t have money for rent. Each member of the team had opportunities to step out in faith by praying with people or giving their testimony to those who came in for help.

Team 4 also served in Coney Island with another mission. They worked hard throughout the day cleaning and doing yard work. In the afternoon they helped with the after-school program. The team were blessed by the leadership here and the opportunity to work with them.

In the midst of completing their first week of ministry, the other staff and I put the students through a poverty simulation where they slept in the Here’s Life warehouse for 3 nights. More details to come….

*All of the ministries mentioned are partners with Here’s Life Inner City. Summer in the City is just another way we come alongside our partners and empower them to reach their communities for Christ.

God’s love transforms lives

Bethany experienced a very abusive childhood which left her heart filled with hatred and bitterness. These feelings grew into a life of self destructive behavior leading to over 40 years of substance abuse. Her last two years were spent homeless. She felt depressed, worthless and had no hope for change. She entered the Bowery Mission Women’s Center and found a loving stable environment where she learned about God’s love, forgiveness and transforming power. She’s gained the necessary tools to start over in her new life with Christ and be the woman He created her to be. I had the privilege of working with Bethany and 11 other women with similar stories once a week for a majority the last 9 months. I witnessed growth,strong faith and the freedom and joy in which they each tell their stories. Last Monday all 12 women graduated from the program! Many have jobs now, others are relocating to reunite with family.

God is so faithful.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Summer In the City Begins!

Summer in the City will be my life for the next few weeks! Summer in the City is an intensive 5 week project exposing college students to ministry to the poor. 19 students from across the nation have come together to serve full-time in some of the poorest neighborhoods while receiving ministry training and bible teaching at night. Fun and sightseeing will also be squeezed in.

For the last several weeks I have served as city-coordinator which means I had to figure out where and when the students would serve throughout their time here. Summer in the City is my summer assignment, so I’m taking a break from my regular Here’s Life responsibilities and helping make the next few weeks the best experience ever for our students. Along with some other planning – I’m co-leading a bible study and meeting weekly with four young ladies.

My life was changed 3 years ago on this same project and it’s exciting to be back as staff. God is going to do huge things in and through the lives of these students- I can’t wait!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

It’s June and I’m just posting snow pictures and winter happenings! Better late than never, right? Stay tuned, because I am determined to catch you guys up on my life here in NYC!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Real Snow

It snowed a lot this winter. I remember being so excited after the first snow fall in early December. I had no idea what was to come! Enjoy pictures of what I call the “real snow” Most of the pics were taken in March.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Purity Retreat

“I would like to give back everything that I have done in the past. Forgive me, Lord, for the wrong I have done. I learned a lot from this weekend and I want to start over. So I’m asking you to please forgive me.”

“Please forgive me for stealing things. Please have my dad not abuse me anymore. Have my family forgive me. Please, O Lord. Please, Father, take away all my bad sins and forgive me. Thank you.”

-Anonymous Prayer Request from inner-city teen girls

Where does a young girl in the inner-city turn for answers– about relationships, about love, about intimacy, about forgiveness?

Sixty-six teen girls attended the 5th Annual S.A.Y. Yes! Purity Retreat in March. Through music, dance, skits, art, recreation and relevant lessons, girls learned about God’s love and forgiveness. It was amazing to watch as God began to heal the girls’ broken lives and hardened hearts, as they received His Spirit in their lives. The tough attitudes that showed up on Friday night disappeared by the time Sunday rolled around.

During our Sunday morning service, girls brought their concerns to the foot of a cross: I want to make the right choices; I want to stop lying and cursing; I don’t want to get pregnant again; I want my mother to love me. I tearfully prayed with girls as they confessed sin and burdens. What a privilege to love these precious girls and watch God powerfully transform hearts and minds.
