Saturday, January 24, 2009

"We went from nothing to everything!"

“Is this for me?” The question came from Carlton as a bulging box of food was lifted out of the car. Horns were blowing and arms were waving as Brother Dwayne held up traffic in East Harlem to present a Box of Love to Carlton, the corner newspaper man. “I want you to be blessed and know that God is able to provide for you and your family.”

Carlton was so overwhelmed and in need of the food, he immediately abandoned his news stand and rushed home to share the box with his family!

Dwayne sees Carlton every Sunday on the street corner selling papers. He can tell Carlton is struggling to make a living and often looks frustrated and tired. Every Sunday, Dwayne stops to buy a paper. He often prays with Carlton and offers encouragement.

With the help of Here’s Life Inner City, Dwayne was able to meet an immediate need of a struggling family and tell Carlton of God’s ability to provide. He also invited him to church.

The following Sunday, Carlton greeted Dwayne, “If you only knew how bad I needed that food. It came just in time!” Brother Dwayne replied, “God is able, God is able!”

Carlton and his family plan to attend a special Christmas service at the church, where they will hear God’s word, receive food and gifts for the children.

-December 2008 Prayer Lettter

Friday, January 9, 2009

New Begginings

Happy 2009! I just got back into the city on Sunday. This week has passed quickly as I’ve gotten back into the swing of things. A new WorkNet course started Monday at the Bowery Women’s Mission. We have a few new women this time around. It was a very sweet time. Before introducing the curriculum, we spent time sharing about Christmas. A few of the women are in stage 2 of the program and were allowed to go home for 3 days over Christmas. Others are new and are not allowed to leave the house. One woman seemed sad about not being with her family but lit up when she told us it was her first Christmas clean in many years. She was a heroine addict for 12 years walking away from it when she entered the Bowery 5 weeks ago. “I made memories I’ll actually remember.”

Tuesday I traveled to Harlem to continue with the after-school program. I was so happy to see the kids. I think my boys missed me because they were out of control. Yann joined us for the day. He’s another second grader who usually sits with another volunteer. Tyron, Glenroy and Yann were a handful. They didn’t stop giggling from the time they walked in the door. Once again I found myself looking around as every other kid in the place sat like angels leaning over their text books quietly studying. I enjoy every minute of loving on these kids and helping them in every way I can… even when its difficult. Tyron has changed so much and is improving greatly in his school work. He brought homework to do on Tuesday- which is huge for him. Mother Helen (the director) looked over and said, “I don’t know what you do to Tyron but he is a different little boy when you’re around. While you were gone he just sat in his chair doing nothing.” I’m thankful for how the Lord is working through my relationship with Tyron.